District Police

The Police Department of the Terrell Independent School District is a department providing a full array of police services to our school community. Policing in an educational environment and is a unique experience where we join as partners with educators to ensure an environment that is conducive to the learning process.

The Officers of the Terrell ISD Police Department are exceptional in the levels of professionalism they demonstrate in their commitment to shared values of moral and ethical conduct, and in their interaction with students and staff. Our officers are fully certified Texas Peace Officers who have the same authority as other local law enforcement officers. Our staff is highly trained and qualified to meet the needs of all law enforcement efforts of prevention, intervention, and enforcement with a focus on creating the safest learning environment possible for our students, staff, and visitors.

Chief Valladarez

Chief Jerry (Chuey) Valladarez
Terrell ISD Chief of Police
972.563.6319 Ext. 13378